Nocturne – Seven Bayscamp

Nocturne: Seven Bayscamp is an experienced-based event hosted by Seven Bays Bouldering, in collaboration with visual artist & designer Lorraine Albert. The gym/cafe will be transformed into Seven Bayscamp, where visitors will be able to navigate the space and the climbing wall in the dark with the use of headlamps. Including indoor climbing, visitors will also have the opportunity to participate in other outdoor activities, enjoy the crisp outdoors under a starry night, and socialize around a campfire.

This event brings the excitement of being, relaxing, and climbing outdoors (at night) to Gottingen, Halifax, and Nocturne 2018. Our goal is to make outdoor activities accessible to all, to bring the fun of camping a little closer to home, and to make it a night of adventure.

Seven Bays Bouldering has always been a place where neighbours, the community and friends from abroad come together and have fun! The Nocturne: Seven Bayscamp event will not only make for a night to remember, but encourage and remind people to be active and get out of the city, even when it gets a little colder and darker earlier. 

Lorraine Albert