Silent Solo Symphony (or Inhibitions Will Make This Unpleasant For Everyone)
Silent Solo Symphony (or Inhibitions Will Make This Unpleasant For Everyone) is an experienced based installation that makes use of a participant, and arguably an audience, in the creation of the work. To the outside audience, it will look as though an individual with headphones is moving/dancing in silence but for the participant/orchestrator, the experience will be not only one of improvised movement, but of sound/music. The participant wearing wireless headphones will transmit sounds made from the triggered motion sensors installed in the space. **For the more curious audience members, a listening station with a pair of tethered headphones can be worn to hear what the “orchestrator” is creating.** The focus of the interactive work shifts depending on the roles assumed; audience member vs. participant, perceived movement vs. sound created. This shift allows the visitor to be a passive viewer or an active participant.